
1.1 描述用户需求


Conceptual Design And Technical Design


Conceptual Design. We try to recognize appropriate components, connections and responsibilities.

Technical Design. We move to making a technical design, we try to add a detail how those components, connections and responsibilities can be implemented.


As a learner, I want to search for relevant courses through a search page.

User Story的格式

User Story, a technique of expressing a requirement. User Stories 通常 是站在用户的角度表述的。格式通常为

As a ____, I want to ____ so that ____.

作为xxx, 我想要xxx以便xxxx。


在敏捷开发Scrum中,良好的User Stories是项目成功的关键。


Imagine that you introduce the user story technique to your customer, and they give you the following sentence:

As an online shopper, I want to add an item to my shopping cart, so that I can purchase it.

Usually, the nouns correspond to objects in your software. So in this example, you have identified three objects: first, the user role is associated with an object in the software (the online shopper). An item could be any product at the store, while a shopping cart is an object for tracking items for purchase.

Let’s have another look at the sentence:

As an online shopper, I want to add an item to my shopping cart, so that I can purchase it.

Verbs can help you identify the requirements that your objects might have. In this example, add and purchase might be responsibilities of the shopping cart. Verbs may also help you identify connections between objects.

The last point is a bit more subtle: a user story can also help you discover connections between objects. In this example, it is probably fairly obvious. One online shopper is typically associated with one shopping cart. The shopping cart should be capable of holding multiple items.

通过User Story我们可以获得很多信息,我们可以识别到3个对象,线上购物者、物品


CRC Card: Class, Responsbility, Collaborator

CRC cards help you to organize your components into classes, identify the responsibilities and determine how they will collaborate with each other.


  • 在 “Collaborator “部分,您可以列出当前组件为履行职责而连接或交互的其他组件